*Louis Vuitton serial number available on every of our Replica 101 bag :)
*click on pic to enlarge it, all pics are enlargeable on click*
*My very own REPLICA 101 Louis Vuitton Neverfull Tote in Damier GM (giant) on my sofa hehe..
look at the quality!! Its a 1:1 to the original :) no one can tell the difference, trust me..
RM 490 only
sizes available: GM (giant/large) or MM (medium)
*Note: These bags are a EXACT 1 to 1 replication of the original Louis Vuitton in this design.
*Quality is EXACT 1:1 as the original,hence ONLY the BEST is given to u. Imported DIRECTLY from KOREA.
*Price is 10X LOWER than the original, Louis Vuitton Neverfull Damier tote retails for RM 4980++.
NO ONE can tell the difference if u dont *winks* THAT'S how good this bag is..
order NOW: replica-101@hotmail.com
Looking for Hampstead MM